ePerformance FAQs

Below you'll find answers to our most commonly asked questions about ePerformance based on user groups. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please please contact the Human Resources office at or 715-425-3518.  

General Questions

Q: Which internet browser should I be using for the ePerformance system?

A: The ePerformance system is most compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge internet browsers. 


For more system specific questions, please refer to the UW System FAQ page.

Q: Can I adjust the due dates for my department/reports if I need to give them additional time?

A: Yes, but the system-driven reminder emails will still run based on the original due date. 


Q: What is the best way to track the status of indirect reports for Deans of colleges?

A: Deans Assistants can request a status report from HR. This report will show employees by department or manager and the status of each performance document assigned to that employee.


Q: If a direct report has already completed a review this year (promotion, probation, PTR) do they still need to complete the ePerformance process?

A: Yes. Due to pay plan requirements, eligible employees must have an annual review on file. The employee can upload any supporting documentation from the recent review for their supervisor to use as part of the annual review. Or, the department chair/supervisor will have the ability to upload a similar summary/overview of the review that has already occurred and indicate a rating to satisfy the annual review requirement. 


Q: Is the instructional academic staff (IAS) annual review now taking place in ePerformance?

A: Yes. ePerformance will replace the annual reviews for IAS. Whether uploaded by the employee or supervisor/manager, IAS reviews will continue to use existing performance criteria to complete the annual review. *Student evaluations cannot be uploaded to the ePerformance system.


Q: How can I used student evaluations as a performance criteria if they can't be uploaded/attached to the ePerformance system?

A: As each department has their own process for how student evaluations are stored, chairs should work with their direct reports and the Dean's office to utilize student evaluations for the review process. Student evaluations will continue to be a criteria option but should not be uploaded, outside of possibly a summary document.


Q: How will my department approach highlighting employees who 'exceed expectations' during years when there is extra money to award to high achievers?

A: The 'exceeds expectations' designation will sill be an option on the existing post-tenure review form. The annual review process is not replacing PTR - however, if an employee has a PTR in that year, the chair can simply complete the rating based on the PTR results.


Q: What if I have an employee who didn't get assigned a performance document but should have?

A: Please submit a request to to have a document created. Please allow 1 business day for this process to take effect.


Q: Can a performance document be reopened to a previously completed step? 

A: In certain cases, yes, Human Resources and the Manager have the ability to reopen an employee's evaluation to allow for edits or updates if a mistake was made. Submit a request to to work through this option.

Q: Is the self-evaluation step required for employees?

A: This is based on your department expectations, but in general no, the self-evaluation step is not required as supervisors can submit their manager review without the self-evaluation being completed. The employee will continue to receive system-driven reminder emails until the manager evaluation is completed.


Q: In the online ePerformance instructions step 1 says to enter a rating, but I don't see anywhere to do that. Do I need to enter a rating?

A: This language is global in the ePerformance system and cannot be edited to match UWRF's process. FA & IAS do not currently submit ratings in ePerformance, only attachments and comments (if applicable).


Q: What happens if I accidentally delete the reminder email?

A: We are unable to resend these automatic email (30, 15, and 7 days before due date). Please navigate to the performance management tile via MyUW to access your current performance management document. 


Q: Can we reopen a performance document at the self-evaluation or manager evaluation stage if it has already been completed?

A: In certain cases, yes, Human Resources and the manager have the ability to reopen an employee's evaluation to allow for edits or updates if a mistake was made. Submit a request to to work through this option.


Q: What happens if I upload an incorrect document to my performance review and send it to my supervisor? (e.g. student evaluations cannot be uploaded)

A: Contact your supervisor and HR to have your self-evaluation step reopened.


Q: What do I need to do with the Mission Statement and Mandatory Training tabs on my performance review?

A: There is no action needed on these tabs. These sections are universal to all employees and the Mandatory Training tab shows the status of each employee's UW System mandatory training pieces from HRS.