WINTER: 25 things to do in River Falls

UW-River Falls
3 min readJan 29, 2016

Battle the boredom of a Wisconsin winter!

1. Visit the Best Maid Cookie Company.

You’re welcome.

2. Create the perfect playlist.

You can make one on Spotify for free!

3. Watch your fellow Falcons in a concert or play.

Clear your schedule! And check out the upcoming University Theatre performances and concerts.

4. Print off your photos.

We know you have billions on your phone, so print them off and decorate your space! Click here for more inspiration.

5. Don’t forget about the classics! Build a snowman, catch snowflakes on your tongue, make a snow angel or go sledding at Larson Park.

See? Snow isn’t all bad.

6. Wash your bed sheets.

When was the last time you even thought about washing them? Yeah, you should probably go do that.

7. Dress up and go out to eat at the West Wind.

Splurge a little, you deserve it.

8. Go swing dancing!

Just a hop, skip and a jump away in the Falcon’s Nest! Every Tuesday from 7–9 p.m.

9. Watch a $4 movie at The Falls Theatre.

In 1927, The Falls Theatre had it’s first show, and today it is still going strong! Can’t beat a $4 movie.

10. Taking a photo every day for a month.

Snapchat doesn’t count. Get a good quality photo of something awesome in your day.

11. Learn to knit.

In all seriousness, how perfect would a knit scarf be for walking around campus?

12. Donate your old clothes to a local thrift store.

It’s never too early for spring cleaning. Now’s the time to make room in your tiny room or apartment!

13. Go shopping.

But not online. Downtown River Falls has some great little shops with must have treasures.

14. Make a budget.

Annoying to do, yes. Helpful, yes. Saves money, yes. Keeps your latte spending in line, double yes.

15. Start a change jar.

Save up for the perfect summer road trip or your dream of studying abroad.

16. Check out the Falcon Outdoor Adventures Rental Center!

Rent everything from snowshoes to ice fishing equipment to skis. Plus, it’s FREE for UWRF students!

17. Have a cuddle day.

Permission granted: Stay in your pajamas, bundle in blankets and catch up on your favorite show.

18. Cut out snowflakes.

Click here for instructions. It’s a nerdy website, but it’s helpful in case it’s been a while since you’ve cut a snowflake.

19. Buy something warm at the Whole Earth Co-Op.

Whole Earth Co-Op is right on main street and offers local coffee, tea, and other soul-warming treats!

20. Volunteer!

Click here for opportunities to help out around River Falls!

21. Have Career Services help you perfect your resume.

Don’t roll your eyes! You’ll be glad you did it when you become president one day.

22. Try rock climbing.

We dare you to take the climb! Our climbing wall is 40 feet of pure exhilaration and is bound to beat those winter blues. And possibly your fear of heights too.

23. Take your friends out for breakfast or pie at the Kinni Café.

How can you say no to that?! The Kinni Cafe has fantastic food and dreamy pies at a discount for UWRF students! (But if burgers and fries are your thing, they have that, too!)

24. Get in shape or get in the game at Open Rec.

No excuses! Grab a treadmill or play a pickup basketball game with friends.

25. Enjoy this moment.

We spend so much time trying to pass the time. Maybe take a second wherever you are and enjoy being there. Whatever the time, weather or year. You are here. And though winter can be brutal, we are glad you are spending it with us.

Stay warm, and enjoy winter in River Falls!



UW-River Falls

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